• 8/31/2024

    The 5th Annual Meeting of TAME Study Group was held.

    The 5rd General Membership Meeting was held on Saturday, August 31, 2024 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
    The chair, Dr. Okuno reported on activities of the case reviews and study meetings, lectures at overseas academic conferences, and answered questions received from members in advance. After that, four members presented very rich studies and research.
    29 members attended and had a meaningful opportunity for information exchange and knowledge sharing on wide range of in-depth topics, and discussion.
    The next "Case Review and Study Session" is scheduled to be held on Monday, November 25 at 7:30 p.m. online.

  • 5/27/2024

    The 23rd Case Review and Study Session for TAME

    On Monday, May 27, 2024, from 7:30 PM to 8:20 PM, we held the 23rd Case Study and Study Meeting with the participation of 22 doctors (online via Zoom).

    • "Key Points for Safely and Effectively Treating Tendinitis"
      Dr. Masahiko Shibuya, Director of Okuno Clinic Kobe Sannomiya (Plantar Fasciitis, Lateral Epicondylitis, Achilles Tendinitis)
      Dr. Takayuki Sakugawa, Director of Sakugawa Clinic (Patellar Tendinitis, Hamstring Attachment Inflammation)
    • "A Case of Microvascular Embolization for Pain Following Latissimus Dorsi Flap Breast Reconstruction"
      Dr. Eiji Sugihara, Department of Radiology, Tokyo Medical University

    The presentations by the three doctors were invaluable, and we had many questions from the members, making it a highly meaningful opportunity.

    The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 31, 2024, at 3:00 PM (online via Zoom).

  • 2/26/2024

    The 22nd Case Review and Study Session for TAME

    Our latest study session was held on February 26th, 2024, at 7:30pm to 8:20pm with the participation of 25 doctors via zoom.

    We had presentations from three doctors on the following topics.

    • Dr. Shinichi Iwakoshi, Department of Radiology, Nara Medical University
      "A Case of Displaced Pain After Treatment for Shoulder Periarthritis"
    • Dr. Kei Kanazawa, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Tokyo Medical University
      "Therapeutic Effects of Chronic Low Back Pain Treatment at Our Hospital"
    • Dr. Atsuhiko Kawanabe, Okuno Clinic
      "Experience with Preoperative Contrast MRI for Chronic Low Back Pain at Our Clinic"

    Additionally, Chairman Dr. Okuno shared information about overseas trends.

    The next case review and study session is scheduled for May 27, 2024, from 7:30pm.

  • 11/27/2023

    The 21st Case Review and Study Session for TAME

    The 21st Case Review and Study Session took place with the participation of 22 doctors from 19:30 on Monday, November 27, 2023, using the online platform Zoom. Under the theme "Update on TAME Treatment," Chairman Dr. Yuji Okuno provided information on the progress of TAME treatment, including developments in insurance coverage and verification reports on embolic materials. There was also a valuable opportunity for the sharing of information about international trends. Various questions were raised by the members, contributing to a highly meaningful discussion.
    The next Case Review and Study Session is scheduled for February 26, 2024, from 19:30 onwards.

  • 5/29/2023

    The 20th Case Review and Study Session for TAME

    We conducted the 20th case review and study session on May 29th. The session took place from 7:30-8:40pm with 21 articipants.
    Dr. Takashi Shimoe, Wakayama Medical University and Dr. Koichi Miyazaki, Okuno Clinic. Osaka Shinsaibashi, presented a report of tennis elbow cases treated using TAME procedures.
    Dr. Shinichi Iwakoshi, Nara Medical University delivered a presentation on the application of MR-DSA in TAME cases. Additionally, Dr. Ryo Yoshikawa, Okayama Kyokuto Hospital, gave an insightful speech on publicity activities related to TAME treatment at Kyokuto Hospital.
    Our director, Dr. Yuji Okuno from Okuno Clinic., shared the latest information about TAME treatment. Furthermore we announced that the annual meeting is scheduled to take place on August 26th, which will be conducted online.

  • 2/27/2023

    The 19th Case Review and Study Session for TAME

    The 19th Case Review and Study Session TAME was held on Monday, February 27, 2023 with 23 participants.Dr. Yuki Takara of Tokyo Medical University Hospital gave a presentation on "A case in which TAME was effective for SIRVA”.He also proposed an agenda of left hip pain case and other members actively joined and exchanged the opinions or questions.Dr. Okuno, President of the Board of Directors, also shared information on "Update on New Embolic Substances".
    The next meeting is scheduled for May 29, 2023, Monday for the 20th Case Review and Study Session (online via zoom).

  • 11/28/2022

    The 18th Case Review and Study Session for TAME

    The 18th Case Review and Study Session for TAME was held on November 28th, 2022.
    Progress Report on “New Embolic Substances" and "Introduction of Arterial Injection License Agreement" by Dr. Okuno, Chairman of the Board was provided at the beginning. Dr. Kenji Sato of Nara Medical University presented and discussed difficult cases of plantar tendonitis and Achilles tendonitis, and Dr. Ryo Yoshioka of Okayama Kyokuto Hospital introduced and discussed two cases of SIRVA and frozen shoulder. 25 doctors attended the meeting this time. The discussion was very active and meaningful.
    The next meeting is scheduled on Monday, February 27, 2023 by zoom online.

  • 8/27/2022

    The 3rd Annual Meeting of TAME Study Group was held.

    The 3rd General Membership Meeting was held on Saturday, August 27, 2022, from 14:00 to 16:20.
    The chair, Dr. Okuno reported on activities (case reviews and study meetings, Chance for Youth activity report) and lectures at overseas academic conferences, and a report from Erasmus Medical Center, followed by presentations from Wakayama Medical University, Nara Medical University and Tokyo Medical University. The 25 members who attended the meeting had a meaningful time to exchange information and share knowledge on a wider and deeper range of topics.
    The next "Case Review and Study Session" is scheduled to be held on November 28 (Mon.) from 7:30 p.m. online.

  • 6/27/2022

    The 17th Case Review and Study Session for TAME

    Dr. Akiyoshi Oda from Okuno Clinic. presented “a TAME case study of patellar tendonitis”, and Dr. Kei Kanazawa from Toda Central General Hospital /Tokyo Medical University presented “a TAME case study of chronic low back pain”.
    We had 17 doctors attended the meeting this time. The session provided an opportunity for lively discussion, with many more specific questions and answers.
    The next session is scheduled to be held at 2pm on August 27 in our annual meeting. It will be held online.

  • 5/23/2022

    The 16th Case Review and Study Session for TAME

    Our latest case review and study session was held on 5/23, Monday from 7:30pm. 17 physicians participated in the lecture “Concept of TAME; lower limb” by Dr. Daisuke Kamoi, director of Nagoya EVT Clinic. It was a lively session that many questions and opinions were exchanged. The next meeting is scheduled online at 7:30pm on 6/27.

  • 4/25/2022

    TAME Study Group Website Renewal

    In order to promote activities for our study group and to deepen people’s understanding of TAME, we have extensively renewed our website. In addition to the outline of this group, you can see the publications, clinical research and event schedule both in Japanese and English.

  • 4/25/2022

    The 15th Case Review and Study Session for TAME

    We had the case review and study session on April 25th from 7:30-8:30pm. 21 physicians attended in the meeting this time. Dr. Shinishi Iwakoshi from Nara Medical University presented a case study and Dr. Masahiko Shibuya from Okuno Clinic. gave a lecture on shoulder, elbow and hand diseases followed by a lively discussion. The next meeting is scheduled to be held on May 23rd at the same time.

  • 3/28/2022

    The 14th Case Review and Study Session for TAME

    The 14th case review and study session was held on 3/28 from 7:30 to 8:30pm.
    20 doctors attended the meeting. The discussed topics were the further process of case review meetings and activity reports of subcommittee groups. The next meeting will be held on 4/25 at 7:30 pm via zoom, with a lecture on upper limb treatment and case presentation.

  • 2/28/2022

    The 13th Case Review and Study Session for TAME was held

    It was held on Monday, February 28, 2022 from 7:30pm to 8:30pm.
    23 doctors participated, and Dr. Yuji Okuno gave a lecture on the actual TAME treatment for periarthritis of the shoulder joint and also mentioned some cautionary points. An active Q&A session was made, making the meeting very meaningful. The next meeting is scheduled to be held on Monday, March 28, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. via online zoom.

  • 2/18/2022

    Practical Exercise of Catheterization for Pain -An Approach to Abnormal Blood Vessels

    It was held online by Zoom, February 18, 2022, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm for doctors who do not yet know or are interested in TAME treatment for pain, but have not yet performed the treatment.
    It was facilitated and lectured by Chair, Yuji Okuno and three member doctors. 86 people participated and many questions were raised in the latter half, making it a very meaningful opportunity. This was our first attempt, and we are considering holding this event on a regular basis in the future.

  • 2/16/2022

    Practical Exercise of Catheterization for Pain -An Approach to Abnormal Blood Vessels

    Date & Time: Friday, February 18, 19:00 - 20:30 JST online zoom
    **This session will be held in Japanese only

    Meeting ID:660 744 9246   Passcode:806903

    Dr. Yuji Okuno, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and member doctors will give lectures for doctors and medical professionals who are not yet aware of TAME treatment for pain or are interested in it but are not yet using it. If you are interested, please join us. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend. However, please be aware this session will be in Japanese only.

    There is no need to register in advance, so please feel free to join us on the day by using the zoom ID and password above.

    Please refer to the PDF leaflet for the program details. **Written in Japanese

  • 2/16/2022

    TAME study group Case Review and Study Session schedules

    The session will be held every 4th Monday of every month from 7:30 to 8:30pm JST.
    - Monday, January 24
    - Monday, February 28
    - Monday, March 28
    - Monday, April 25
    - Monday, May 23
    - Monday, June 27
    **Not necessary to attend all the session.

    The 3rd Annual Meeting of TAME study group
    To be held on any date between June and August, on Saturday afternoon.

  • 1/24/2022

    The 12th Case Review and Study Session for TAME was held

    On Monday, January 24th, we had the 12th case review and study session for one hour. This time 25 doctors attended the meeting, and Dr. Okuno had a talk on this year’s initiatives and specifically confirmed the doctors participating in each project. After that, Dr. Masahiko Shibuya from Okuno Clinic. introduced a case of plantar tendinitis. Everyone listened attentively and asked many questions, which led to a lively discussion. The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 28 from 7:30pm via Zoom online.

  • 12/27/2021

    The 11th Case Review and Study Session for TAME was held.

    It was held from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 27th, 2021.
    21 doctors attended the meeting, and everyone listened attentively to Dr.Yuji Okuno's lecture on "Complications of TAME treatment.”With the recent increase in the number of new members, the meeting has become a valuable opportunity for doctors who have just started or are about to start TAME treatment to share information and answer questions. The next meeting will be held on Monday, January 24, 2022 from 7:30 p.m. via online zoom.

  • 11/22/2021

    The 10th Case Review and Study Session was held

    We had the 10th Case Review Meeting and Study Session on Monday, November 22, 2021, from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
    15 doctors attended the meeting, and Dr. Yuji Okuno gave a basic lecture on knee treatment. He also talked about future activities, such as sharing representative cases and creating a system to support patients' treatment. The next study session will be held on Monday, December 27th, and will focus on "Plantar tendinitis and other diseases of the lower extremities.

  • 10/25/2021

    The 9th case review and study session for TAME was held

    The 9th case review and study session was held on Monday, Oct. 25th, and 18 doctors attended. This time, although the theme was “Tennis Elbow,” a wide variety of topics were discussed including case presentations on Achilles tendonitis and knee pain, the relationship between neovascularization and chronic pain, and information on new embolic substances. It was a meaningful opportunity to exchange information. We plan to have the next meeting on Nov. 22nd.

  • 9/27/2021

    The 8th case review and study session for TAME was held

    The 8th case review and study session was held on Monday, Sep. 27th from 7:30 to 8:30PM. 16 doctors attended this time and had a discussion with the theme of “Remarkable Effective Cases in the Past.” Dr. Yuji Okuno proposed to plan a “prospective study” and the participants shared information on future activities. The next meeting will be held on Oct. 25th, and we are scheduling to have a key lecture on TAME.

  • 8/21/2021

    The Second Annual Meeting was held

    On Saturday, August 21 from 3:00 to 6:00PM, 22 members participated in the meeting online. After the activity report and financial audit report for our second term, each medical institution provided presentations and they gave us very free and active Q&A and discussion. Dr. Yuji Okuno, President of the Board of Directors, gave a talk on the initiatives for the new fiscal year (from June 2021).

  • 7/26/2021

    The 7th case review and study session for TAME was held

    Our 7th case review session was held on July 26th, Monday from 7:30- 8:30pm.
    This time we had 14 doctors, and Dr. Okuno talked about his past clinical experiences and cases on the theme of lateral epicondylitis of the humerus (LE tennis elbow). The other doctors also mentioned their various approaches. It was a very active discussion and many questions were being asked to the doctors who were introducing new techniques. everyone commented that it was an interesting meeting.
    The next meeting is planned on August 21st, Saturday. It will have case studies and presentations from each facility.

  • 6/28/2021

    The 6th case review and study session for TAME was held

    On Monday, June 28, 2021, from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm, we held the 6th case review meeting and study session.
    15 doctors attended the meeting this time, and Dr. Kei Kanazawa of Tokyo Medical University gave an presentation of his current efforts, and Dr. Yuji Okuno explained about abnormal blood vessels around shoulder. We had a precise question and answer session on their presentations. It became a very meaningful time. The next meeting will be held on July 26 (Monday).

  • 6/2/2021

    Fourth Japan-Taiwan Experience Exchange Meeting for TAME doctors was held

    On Wednesday, June 2nd, we held the 4th Japan-Taiwan Doctor's Exchange Meeting online.
    After 10-minute case presentations by Dr. Keishi Fujiwara from Okuno Clinic and Dr. Yu-Chen Wang from National Taiwan University Hospital, Dr. Okuno, the director of Okuno Clinic, gave a 15-minute lecture on "Rare Indications for TAME.
    After finishing the presentations, many doctors shared their own experiences and tips that can be utilized in the future. Including feedback, it was a very fruitful meeting. Even though it was late in the day after the clinic, we had 32 participants, which was as many as last time.
    The next meeting is scheduled to be held in August.

  • 5/26/2021

    The 5th case review and study session for TAME was done

    It was started from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm on Monday, May 24, 2021.
    Twenty doctors attended, and Dr. Takahide Sasaki from Hidaka Hospital presented "Orthopedic treatment of plantar tendinitis" and Dr. Shinichi Iwakoshi from Nara Medical University presented "A case of plantar tendinitis treated at our hospital". It was a very meaningful opportunity for the participants to have precise a question and answer session and active exchange of opinions.
    The next meeting will be held on Monday, June 28, and the theme will be "symptomatic accessory navicular bone"

  • 4/26/2021

    The 4th case review and study session for TAME was finished

    It was held on Monday, April 26, 2021, from 7:30 to 8:30 pm.
    This time we had 20 doctors joined us, and Dr. Kei Kanazawa of Tokyo Medical University gave a presentation on "TAME treatment for persistent low back pain after spinal fusion surgery", and then Dr. Okuno also explained the cautions of TAME treatment regarding pain. After the presentation, various questions were raised by the doctors, and a very active discussion and Q&A session took place.
    The next session will be held on Monday, May 24, and the theme will be "Plantar tendinitis".

  • 3/22/2021

    The 3rd case review and study session for TAME was held

    We had our 3rd case review and study session from 7:30- 8:30pm on March 22, 2021, Monday. 18 doctors in total participated in the session, and Dr. Takashi Shimoe from Wakayama Medical University explained the epidemiology, pathogenesis and general treatment of Heberden’s nodes. Dr. Koichi Miyazaki from Okuno Clinic. explained the brief clinical results of arterial injection. This was followed by a discussion on the causes of pain, gender differences and evaluation methods for treatment.
    The next meeting will be held on April 26, Monday and the theme will be "Cases for reflection and lessons we leant."

  • 3/10/2021

    Third Japan-Taiwan Experience Exchange Meeting for TAME doctors was held

    It was our third meetup with Taiwanese doctors on March 10th from 7-8:30pm, and 31 doctors in total were participated this time.
    Dr. Sugihara from Okuno Clinic. in Japan and Dr. Lin from Tri-service General Hospital in Taiwan had case presentations for 10mins each, then Dr. Okuno from Okuno Clinic. gave a brief lecture with a theme "Pitfall in TAME."
    Each presentation was followed by a lively Q&A session, and we had a very fruitful 90mins.

  • 2/22/2021

    The 2nd case review and study session was done

    On Monday, February 22, 2021, from 7:30 to 8:00 p.m., the second case study meeting was held. 14 doctors attended the meeting, and Dr. Okuno, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, introduced the treatment experience of short-duration dissolvable gelatin particles, which we wish to be covered by insurance, to the members, followed by a question and answer session.
    The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 22, and the theme will be "Heberden's Nodes".

  • 1/25/2021

    The 1st case review and study session was finished

    On January 25th, 2021 from 7:30pm to 8:30pm, we held our first case review and study session. 15 doctors out of 20 members attended, and Dr. Okuno, the chairman of the board of directors introduced and explained the latest papers from overseas as well as information on medical devices he has used.
    In order to share knowledge and information in real time, it was decided to create a communication system for this study group.
    This meeting will be held once a month on the forth Monday evening, and will provide an opportunity for members to exchange information and acquire future knowledge. The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 22nd.

  • 12/16/2020

    The 2nd Japan-Taiwan Experience Exchange Meeting for TAME doctors was held

    Following the first exchange session held in October, the second session between Japanese and Taiwanese physicians for TAME was held by using Zoom online meeting. This time, 33 doctors participated in the meeting.
    Although it was only an hour and a half, Dr. Huang and Dr. Lu from Taiwan and Dr. Shibuya from Japan gave great case presentations. Dr. Okuno also gave a presentation after the case presentations.
    TAME treatment is steadily spreading in Taiwan as well. The treatments for Heberden’s nodes in fingers and plantar fasciitis were discussed this time.

  • 10/9/2020

    The 1st Japan-Taiwan Experience Exchange Meeting for TAME doctors was held

    We had a study and exchange session with 18 Taiwanese doctors led by Dr.Liang from Chung Shan Medical University in Taiwan. Two doctors from Taiwan, Dr. Keng Wei Liang and Dr. Bow Wang, and two doctors from Okuno Clinic, Dr.Masahiko Shibuya and Dr. Keishi Fujiwara gave 10-minute case presentations.
    It was only 90mins session but was valuable for learning and deepening our understanding of each case.

  • 10/3/2020

    10/3/2020 First general meeting was held

    On Saturday, October 3, 2020, from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm., we had our first general meeting along with 19 members. For this two and a half hours, we reviewed the history of musculoskeletal interventional radiology and discussed the future policy of the society and the further promotion of musculoskeletal interventional radiology.

  • 9/5/2020

    Dr. Yuji Okuno joined GEST Meets Virtual 2020 as a speakerNEW

    Dr. Yuji Okuno, director of TAME study club, gave a presentation of “Role of Embolization in Sport Injuries” at GEST 2020 symposium. It was the first web seminar for GEST symposium, but nearly 2,000 people from more than 100 countries attended.

  • 9/2/2020

    The first meetup with Dr. Sang Woo Park from Konkuk University in South Korea

    We had the first online gathering with Dr. Park who is the leading expert on musculoskeletal catheterization in Korea.
    We exchanged information each other regarding the current status and trends of TAME in Korea and Japan in a friendly atmosphere.

  • 5/20/2020

    Created our website

  • 5/10/2020
    Had an online lecture on TAME at Global Embolization Symposium & Technologies Dr. Sid Padia from UCLA, Dr. Mark Little from the Royal Berkshire NHS Trust in the United Kingdom, Dr. Jafar Golzarian from the University of Minnesota, and Dr. Okuno, Chair of the Society of Musculoskeletal Interventional Radiology and Treatment held a webinar on the transcatheter arterial micro embolization treatment for knee.